Friday, May 6, 2011

Why is Friday so special??

I have always wondered why lots of people have put so much emphasis on this day. I mean, aren't all days worth enjoying??

I know, I know, for a lot of you, it signifies the end of the work week. For me,  I still have to work on Saturday. Some weekends, it means I will be saying see ya later to my kids for a few days.  And then there is this thing about plans...who has plans, what are you doing, what are you not doing.  Don't we all have things going on every day, don't we share most of our days with other people? What is the significance of Friday night plans??

I find there is something fun about every day.

I'll start with Saturday, since it falls after the day named above. Lots of you have this day off, use it to sleep in, get caught up on projects, plan a day trip or enjoy the day your way.  I do like this day as even though I still work most of them, I enjoy the more relaxed pace of the people that come in on this day. They don't have to rush back to work or home to make dinner, there isn't the need to get your homework done in two hours time.  The evening meal seems so much more casual as well. Great day to grill, head to the lake, take in a movie, make time to hang out with friends. Saturdays seems to be the day to reconnect with friends and family, maybe that's why there are so many weddings on this day!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!! Ah, I do love this day. Whether you attend a church of sorts or not, this day is a great day to reflect and just simply be! A lot of service industries are closed on this day, banks and markets are closed...telling us we all should slow down and not worry at least one day out of the week. I try to make this a day of just family as well. Time to once again check in with each other, take an interest in what is going on in our lives, maybe even accomplish a few projects together. Just live, take it in and enjoy the journey of life.

Then there are Mondays, well, they motivate me. I love fresh starts, new beginnings. It signifies the beginning of the work week, a new start to a routine of sorts, a chance to do things in a different way if need be, or a way to embrace the fact that time marches forward! If you want to start something, there is always a Monday to implement it!

Tuesday...I like it. It's there, usually a day I use to make appointments, a day to not have to rush, rush, rush! In full disclosure, I happen to have this day of the week off. I don't usually alter that part of my work schedule, as I love my Tuesdays. I plan lunches with friends on this day, any appointments for myself or the kids, maybe a little pampering if need be.  It also is the day that new DVD's are released along with books and CD's! A new review to read up on, a great day to book airfare. To me, Tuesdays just say "hey, I'm here for you to enjoy, no pressure!"

Wednesday, or hump day. I know that means the middle, but I can't help but giggle at the thought that why not make it the day to, well, you know, yeah, hump =) Not that I am a big fan of a schedule for this, but if you can't remember the last time you have or really want to make sure you do get this in to a busy life, why not make it Wednesday??  It's also a day that in my community is typically reserved for church activities. I don't always participate in organized church activities, but I do take this day to have a midweek family night. The kids usually don't have any school things on this night, so it is easy to make sure we have a sit down meal together, to just hang out after dinner without the social obligations.

Then there is Thursday...I feel bad for this day. It really doesn't get the recognition like the other days of the week. It's not the beginning, the middle or the end. It's not even part of the traditional weekend.  I think it should be the day we are all thankful for the simple things in our lives. Thanksgiving DOES fall on the last Thursday in November and all. Yes, I am making sure that I am GRATEFUL for this day, each and every week it rolls around.

And now we've come full circle, back to Friday! Yay! Celebrate it...just like every day! Yes, embrace that it is the end of the work week, that you have plans with friends, or maybe that you just plan to stay in! Celebrate! They are all good!

Life is good, get on with it!

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