Everyone loves getting a deal. I just scored one heck of a deal two weeks ago (thanks Today Show and Philosophy!) and that deal just arrived in the mail today. It's no secret I love a great beauty product, heck, it's a big part of my day. If you feel you look good, you often radiate happiness! I love being a part of that! What was the deal you ask? My daughter and I happen to love Philosophy brand beauty products. Not only do they work great, smell yummy, but they have these wonderful "happiness" sayings on the their products that really promote happiness as their philosophy for living! I couldn't have found a more perfect line to fall in love with. This deal happened to not only pop up on one my my FB feeds, but was featured on the Today Show. I scored $140 worth of yummy products for only $40!!! Bonus was they are all products the two of us use often =) The mailman walked up to the house this morning and I think was amazed I bounded down the steps to grab that box of goodies. Simple things that make a day!
I also love things that a free, yes, you can have a ton of fun that don't cost much or without spending a dime. I hear all time from people that there is nothing to do or that they are bored. Really?? How can you find life boring? I often have to say no to activities or to going places since we just seem so busy. Can't you go out for a walk or a bike ride, feed the ducks that stale loaf of bread or left over hot dog buns since we all know the ratio there? What about going to visit that old friend who just lives across town you haven't seen all winter? Pick up the phone, call that long distant friend and fold your laundry at the same time, bet you won't mind that task while catching up with your buddy! My kids learned how to sweep away boredom just the other day...
Didn't cost us a cent to just do such a silly thing. (no brooms were harmed in making this photo and were returned properly to their hanging place).
I did take my four legged companion for a 3.5mi walk today...felt so great! After a pretty mild winter, this Minnesotan sure loves the deal of gorgeous weather Mother Nature is treating us to! Kids were out biking, walking, roller blading and I could just hear the giggles as they bounced on their trampolines as I walked by. To see all the couples out walking together and just people in general out enjoying this beautiful weathered day, well, that sure was a simple pleasure if you ask me. Free, no debit or credit card needed! I came home and topped off my night with fresh made gingered strawberry-kiwi lemonade, made with the juicer I bought for $15 =) Priceless!
Cheers to the deals and simple pleasures in life!
Life is good, get on with it, live it LOUD!
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