Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lifestyle Living

What motivates you?  No really...what is your motivation?  For me, it is life. Yes, simply the joy of living life and navigating a life worth living.

In my last two posts I've shared two "goals" of mine for this year. After viewing a post on FB and Pinterest this morning, it really dawned on is a LIFESTYLE (thanks SKH) that I really strive for. I have made the choice to be happy, it is so simple; I am making the choice to live in the now and to be healthy. I love it!

Every one's life is worth living. We were all placed here for a reason. Isn't that a grand thought? We all have a place! Now, we all have choices as well. With those choices come the "stuff" that goes with the choices we have made. We can chose happy, angry, negative, really is up to us! I can choose what I want to do for a living, either by what I like and am passionate about or by what I think will provide the income I need to survive. I can choose to go on a trip, to fix up my house, to go shopping or to eat at McDonald's. I can also choose to workout, eat healthy, surround myself with positive thinking people and make that conscious effort to have well being in my life. Yes, I think that is a choice I want to make!

I can't control tomorrow, nor relive yesterday. I CAN be here in the now and see what direction I want to go in.  It is up to me to make my life the one worth living. Wow, I have that much power???  I like it! It really is up to each and every one of us to make the life we want to live. I want to teach that to my kids as well. It's not someonelses fault for my mood, my choices or my lack of motivation. It has to do with me and me alone.

Now, I understand that there are things that pop up that we have no control over...but do we?  We may not be able to control some of the things that happen to us, be we do have the choice on how our attitude is and how we react to it. I didn't choose to have appendicitis last year, but I did make the choice to get right back into the swing of things. I didn't choose for my darn patio door to be a pile of crap, but I can fork out the cashola to get a nice working one and enjoy the new view and energy savings! I can also be happy for the fact that I am able to have a job to provide the funds and that I know who to call to install this for me! Yay!

Yes, life can hand us some silly cards at time, but it is still up to us to play them. I know I don't want to fold, but I can always ask for a new hand!  So start living in the now, if that means taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out and opening your eyes to a new way to see things, then so be it! YOU ARE WORTH HAVING A LIFE TO LIVE!

Life is good, get on with it, live it LOUD!

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