Monday, March 12, 2012

It's up to you

We all know people who complain, and I'm sure each of us has done our fair share. We also know how easy it is to blame someone else and come up with excuses along the way as well.  But enough is enough and time to realize that it is up to us.

Every time I log into FB, I see so many that are constantly complaining or expressing things that they themselves are totally in control of but would rather whine about it looking for some odd sympathy from some "club" to be right there with them, or like there is some badge of honor for having a sucky day. If you offer up a suggestion, they really don't want to hear it and will often snap back at you with some excuse or angered comment on how they don't want to be in control. UGH...stop the whining...the world is full of enough 2yr olds already and we wonder why society has allowed these children to control their parents, but it is often learned to be an OK behavior from their parents. The same with politicians...whine whine whine, blame blame blame!

One cannot rely on someone else to make them happy. It really is up to us. It's not someone else's fault that you made the choice you did. Yes, you alone made that choice. At one time you thought it was the best choice to make. I can't blame the traffic for making me late, I chose to sleep in a little extra or start that load of laundry and not leave a bit early. I am the one that decided I didn't have time to exercise or make healthy meals at home, no one else but me. I am the one who thought I should burn the midnight oil and get things done or sat at the computer instead of going to sleep and now I'm tired in the morning...yep, my choice. No one told me to buy that large ticket item that I just HAD to have, now it is a bit tighter with the budget at home. Oh well...all of this is based on a choice that we made ourselves at one time or another.

I may strike a nerve here, but it is something that bothers me and I am willing to take the fall out from it.  Have you ever noticed the "battle" of stay-at-home-moms vs. working-moms??  I see this so many times and how about just saying, "we're all mom's doing what we can to survive raising our kids?"  Yes, you stay at home mom's do it all at home and do a great job of meeting your kids' needs. Yes, you working moms have that stressor of rushing off to daycare and how to make dinner when you've been at work all day. SAHM's don't just lounge around, and WM's don't get a vacation from every day life by going to work! BOTH work hard, only in different ways, and they are choices that were made by that mom.

Now, let's put that in a different way. Often we look at another's life and think they have it is easier to judge someone elses life than to take control of our own. What we forget is that we all have bills, we all have obligations, we all have "stuff'' going on, but some just choose to deal with it differently.  When one complains about what is going on in their life, another may think, "man, I wish I HAD their life."

Time to buck up and take control. Break that habit of complaining and blaming. Take charge of YOUR life. Make it what YOU want it to be. We have no one to blame but ourselves, really, we don't. Find that extra you don't need, free up time and money, plan for that vacation you want or that item your family "needs".  Make time for YOU, clear the mind, and free yourself from the blame-complain game, take charge and be happy!

Life is good, get on with it, live it LOUD!

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