Wednesday, February 29, 2012


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder...and yes, I've been gone from the blog for awhile, I've missed you too. We all need time to take a step back and reflect, so, right after the holidays I did just that, and it just what this girl needed!

A new year and many new adventures. I get so excited for the new and upcoming things that I often forget to just live in the now. I have made a conscious effort this year to be more in the now and not on to the next thing. I cannot control what may happen and I can't worry about tomorrow, last week or next week. I want to enjoy what life is handing me NOW, here, and today.

We set goals, I like goals...goals are attainable and manageable. You can reset your goals as life happens and take them into new directions. I like the sound of that. To me, goals help you look to where you want to be and focus on the actions of today to get you there. This year I have set a few goals and am excited for them!

You may have guessed, my first goal is to spend more time in the here and now. We cannot change the past, and can't continue to rehash it with expectations of a different outcome.  And then we get so busy with what is coming up (I am a planner) that we often cannot simply enjoy what is going on today. I also find that as I have gone through life always thinking of the next thing, I forget about what just happened. I need to slow down, this thing called life, that I so love, is going by at an ever quickening pace! The kids do so much better when us adults aren't in a hurry and take the time to be present in the moment. I think that is one of a child's greatest attributes, the ability to just cherish the now to the fullest. Yes, I will still make plans, as with being a working mom of three full time kids, Mr. Man, a part time kid and the dog one has to, but will be more mindful of the now.

So, as I start back on my blogging, (thank you to those who have reached out and encouraged me to get back at it) AND that this is Leap Day,  I will be mindful of the extra day today and every day we have. I did read a parenting blog about not seizing the day awhile back...and it really struck me as someone who was bitter about the place they were in couldn't really take in the day and enjoy the place in life they were in. I don't want to be that person and don't want that for any of go on, and carpe diem...seize the day, and enjoy the now, the extra now!

Life is good, get on with it, live it LOUD!